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In the summer of 2000, Sherrie Fausey, a retired school teacher from Florida, answered the Lord’s call to go to Port au Prince, Haiti to start a tuition free Christian school.  The Lord showed her a severely impoverished area known as The Great Ravine of Delmas.  The people she encountered there lived in little shanty homes they had built next to a creek filled with badly polluted water, sewage, rodents, pigs and trash.  In desperation and ignorance, the precious families of this area bathed their children and washed their clothes and dishes from the water in this contaminated ravine.  Malnutrition, disease and death were rampant.

Christian Light School, Inc. in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti is a non-denominational Christian ministry that operates under the umbrella organization of Christian Light School, Inc., based in Jacksonville, Florida.

Litered ravine behind homes

Believing there was an urgent need for a school that offered instruction and nutrition to the youngest members of this neighborhood and continuing training and education until young adulthood, Sherrie opened Christian Light School that year with 20 students enrolled.  From its one room beginning, Christian Light School has grown tremendously in the number of students served, programs offered, and persons reached with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We now have over 300 students who attend school each day and we feed about 50 babies in their neighborhood.


Haitian Christians need to be given the necessary tools if they are to eventually become leaders in their country.  If a child is to rise up out of poverty into leadership, a Christian education is the best tool we can provide them.  But, Haitian children simply cannot afford to attend school without our help.  So, we provide tuition free education, textbooks, uniforms, school supplies, 2 meals per day, and medical and dental care.

holy bible

What We Believe

Read our Statement of Faith

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Who We Are

Meet our Board of Directors and our Staff

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Why We Serve

Watch a Four Minute Video of the Gospel Message 

Our Purpose

The purpose of the Christian Light School organization in Haiti is to carry out the Great Commission to, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”.   Sherrie Fausey was motivated by Jesus’ words in Mark 6: 34, “And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.,” and a vision to develop and educate her students to become Christian men and women who can foster strong Christian leadership in a land where corruption in both government and business is commonplace.  These Christian young people are ultimately the best hope to bring about change for the better in the country of Haiti.


Mission Statement 

To impact the lives of children in Haiti through a Christ-centered education, one meal, one education, one soul at a time.


Vision Statement 

To become the model for high quality, Christ-centered, tuition-free education for Haitian students, to initiate additional satellite schools in Haiti, to enlarge the baby nutrition program, to develop practical trade skill programs, and be the recognized leader in providing safe and secure Christian homes for orphans.


Our Ministry

Together with age appropriate daily Bible studies, Christian Light School uses A Beka Christian curriculum, along with a Haitian curriculum for the elementary age children.  The younger children use A Beka Bible picture cards.  Older children are taught the Bible by local Bible School students.  


Sick and/or hungry children are not able to learn, so the school serves two hot cooked meals each school day, along with third world strength daily vitamins for all of the children.  Medical and dental problems are also addressed in our facility.


The Little Angels Program began In 2004, sending workers to visit infants and children in the community, giving them nutritious food and vitamins to help promote strong bodies and strong minds.  This program currently helps 50 babies and malnourished children in tent cities near the school.


Restaveks are children who live away from their family with someone else.  When the original plan was adopted in Haiti, the restavek child was expected to work for a family not their own in return for food and school.  However, restavek has descended into a form of modern day slavery with the children poorly fed, often severely abused and rarely sent to school.  We have three classes of restavek children. Our goal is to give them hope for a normal life of freedom in the future.


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